Tuesday, August 31, 2010

wishes it was all easier

I just read my friends most recent post and just wanted to imprint it into my mind so i could always have it with me. Sometimes i wish writing the way he wrote came so much easier to me, i wish it was the fountain of words that spill out everyday but had meaning and thought and cause behind them.
Maybe one day i'll sit and write without care of what people say, 0r think... but for now i will constantly be aware of my surroundings and what they think of me. It's not healthy i know, but it's so hard to not.

So that's my post for now, and we will have to see what the future holds. :)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Nathan's writing

I try so so hard, I reach so damn far. You mess with my mind, it the point its almost unkind. Your the only one who makes me feel like this, so much so I'll take the risk. I walk that million miles, if only to see your smile. You drive me absolutely crazy, like a fog so hazy. but no matter what I do, I'm still not noticed by you.
-Nathan Krussel

he is such an amazing writer and he is also my friend! :D

Thursday, August 12, 2010


you turn around and there standing in front of you is the man or woman you have always dreamed of. You reach out to touch them and they vanish as if they were the fog in the morning, and yet there's still that glimmer of hope that they are real and that you really do have something to believe in, something to love, something to desire. They aren't perfect and you both have your flaws but hell, if you can get past them- love them, with all that's in you.I wish saying this was easier than writing...