Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Oh, The Places You'll Go

"Congratulations! Today is your day. You’re off to Great Places! You’re off and away! You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the guy who’ll decide where to go." ~Dr. Seuss

Sunday, January 9, 2011

How He Says

He laughs, She smiles.
He knows how to make her laugh.
He can crack her frown without even trying.
He takes her to a secure, confident place in her life,
A place where there is no fear or worry about what the next day brings.
He creates erratic situations that cause her to think and pursue his desire.
To count the hours, to count the miles, to count the conversation is all in pursuit
Towards knowing him better and wanting a true unaltered immortal friendship,
That she knows isn't possible, but can only hope his feelings change again.
He says "I'd tell her all the things I've wanted say/To make her world more blue than grey/To show Her how I really Feel/But my love for her inside me behind a seal"
And she will dream of the day he says...

Monday, October 11, 2010

new town, feeling alone, and wanting home...

As I sit here and watch TV in my new apartment, I think about how much those little moments with my family meant to me, I remember what made those moments unforgettable. Sitting on the couch with my mom watching a dumb show, something we later laughed about while sitting in her bed. And now I sit on my couch wishing that she was here to help me laugh and see the joy in things. It's hard to wonder what she is doing and wish I was with her. I never thought this distance in towns would make things so hard.
Even though I have roommates it's as if they don't exist. I just want to be alone and yet I don't. Being alone is hard, especially when you feel like friends are nowhere to be found. I need friends to survive and right now I have friends, I just don't have the kind of friends I need. I mean I have friends, I just need friends that understand me and know who I am. And get that I can be loud and obnoxious yet fun.
I'm just hoping that some time soon I am able to find a friend that I need.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

wishes it was all easier

I just read my friends most recent post and just wanted to imprint it into my mind so i could always have it with me. Sometimes i wish writing the way he wrote came so much easier to me, i wish it was the fountain of words that spill out everyday but had meaning and thought and cause behind them.
Maybe one day i'll sit and write without care of what people say, 0r think... but for now i will constantly be aware of my surroundings and what they think of me. It's not healthy i know, but it's so hard to not.

So that's my post for now, and we will have to see what the future holds. :)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Nathan's writing

I try so so hard, I reach so damn far. You mess with my mind, it the point its almost unkind. Your the only one who makes me feel like this, so much so I'll take the risk. I walk that million miles, if only to see your smile. You drive me absolutely crazy, like a fog so hazy. but no matter what I do, I'm still not noticed by you.
-Nathan Krussel

he is such an amazing writer and he is also my friend! :D

Thursday, August 12, 2010


you turn around and there standing in front of you is the man or woman you have always dreamed of. You reach out to touch them and they vanish as if they were the fog in the morning, and yet there's still that glimmer of hope that they are real and that you really do have something to believe in, something to love, something to desire. They aren't perfect and you both have your flaws but hell, if you can get past them- love them, with all that's in you.I wish saying this was easier than writing...

Thursday, July 29, 2010

is it beautiful?

sometimes you see happiness and wish it could all just go back to the way it was, where you could trust everyone, everyone loved each other, and best friends weren't lost so easily... please don't stop being my best friend...